vanessa's sucha glutton.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Why my morning kinda sucked.

1.I woke up at 530 thinking that it was a school day and couldnt go back to sleep after washing my face.
2.My study room lightbulb blew. Source of light energy = 0 Had a tough time packing my bag and searching for items.
3.I couldnt find my dance pants!And was later found in my dad's cupboard,er
4.Was supposed to meet Steph,Sand,Gil at macs and was already running late and my mum refused to leave the house.
5.Dance was like not really productive.

Misc Pics/

Ah okay. It's taking too long to load so I'll stop here.Repro in Plants SUXTODACOREOFTHEANTHER. I dont know what I'm talking about but repro in plants is the most boring-est chapter ever.


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